Think Like a Designer

Plug-In Sconces for Better Mood Lighting in Every Room!

Wall sconces are one of the best ways to diversify your lighting, adding mood and atmosphere to your rooms. They lend a flare that makes any space feel special, and thanks to a growing number of affordable plug-in options, sconces are more DIY- and renter-friendly than ever! Read on for a list of gorgeous and affordable plug-in sconces that are available in Canada.

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5 Ways to Improve Your Home “Office” Space

This post explains how to optimize your home work space, whether it be a makeshift office or a random stretch of wall! By defining the space, investing in ergonomic equipment, and incorporating functional styling, even your small apartment or condo can have a comfortable, functional, and beautiful-ish work space!

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Colour Series Caitie Colour Series Caitie

The Subtle Rainbow of Neutral Paint Colours

This post introduces the Neutral Colour Map, which shows how common neutral colours relate to one another. Neutrals are colours with so little chroma (colourfulness) that they seem to lack colour altogether. However, they nearly all have underlying hues which are important to identify when choosing interior finishes!

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